What Clients Are Saying?

    Brendan’s experience with his weight and health has led to seven years of study and research of the America Standard Diet.  His three lessons course has given me dramatic changes for the better in my own health.  I am eighty-eight and feel alive again!

    Mary F (Prescott, AZ)

    I have known Brendan since he was a young child.  He is a sincere person that wants to help people.  I followed his dietary guidelines as well as started using various supplements and vitamins based on his recommendation and direction.  Over the last six months I have seen improvement in overall health including weight loss, more energy and more positive outlook on life.  I would wholeheartedly recommend his coaching. 

    Theresa K (Elmira, NY)

    Brendan began coaching me two months ago. I am most impressed with his commitment to teaching the facts and the research on keto. Most importantly, he lives this way of eating. He has many recipes and is most willing to share them. Also, he is kind, respectful and willing to listen and provide suggestions. Brendan is patient and valued the questions I asked. He is an outstanding instructor and is totally committed to making a difference in people’s lives. I give Brendan my highest recommendation!

    Mary M (Williamsville, NY)

    Brendan began coaching me when I was diagnosed with cancer.  With his assistance I was able to keep my immune system in excellent condition which allowed me to recover from Covid quickly and helped keep my cancer in check.  When I began experiencing migraine headaches as a side effect of my treatments, he was able to eliminate almost all but the occasional headache with natural supplementation.  Brendan has been a major influence on my improved health.

    Paula K (Prescott, AZ)

    “You will need to go on high blood pressure medication” .... Those words were my wakeup call that I needed to start taking care of me... I wanted to look better and feel healthier. I am so happy I made the decision to try this out. The program was easy to follow and the weight just fell off. I had a great coach to encourage me every step of the way. So far, I have lost 28 pounds! I feel great and have a lot more energy. My eating habits have changed and of all the “diets” I have tired, this program has been by far the most effective. I call this more of a lifestyle change. I can now look in the mirror and love what I see - a healthier and happier ME!! 

    LR (Albion, NY)